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As a team, we were ranked 6th in the Nation for the 2018 USA Archery Collegiate Outdoor National Championships. We host weekly team practices and practice every Sunday night. Our team becomes our family throughout the school year. Enjoying meals, working on homework, and shooting there is always a group of friends/teammates at the range.


Head Coach Glen Bennett


Coach Glen is a huge part of the MSU archery team. Working with his athletes 6 days a week always making sure we as students are keeping up on our academic work, he really provides the stability and guidance we need as young entering into the world or as archers shooting arrows.


Coach Glen was recognized in 2016 with the  President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition Community Leadership Award.

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The Demmer Center vision is to develop a world-class shooting sports education and training center that provides a safe, clean, family atmosphere appealing to both shooters and non-shooters across all demographics with or without disabilities. The Demmer Center includes indoor range facilities to allow year-round use and is designed to accommodate a variety of shooting sports activities. We utilize the latest in shooting range technology and our facility is designed in an environmentally friendly manner. The Demmer Center is also home to the Michigan State University Archery and shooting sports teams. 


The Demmer Center is a shooting sports training facility that has both indoor and outdoor archery ranges (including a 3D walking course) as well as indoor firearm ranges where visitors can shoot air pellets and rimfire rounds up to .22 caliber in both pistols and rifles. We offer a variety of shooting experiences that range from beginner to advanced in both archery and firearms including our Introductory Archery and Firearms sessions. We also offer experiences designed specifically for women and children, as well as classes such as the Basic Pistol Certification Class and frequent Concealed Pistol License classes. 

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